homeschool support: holistic
Enki Education
(K - 6) currently available, teaching guides, resource guides of stories and activities, and full (or partial) curriculum for K - 2. Enki is a "Contemplative Education" that seeks human wisdom and vitality, wherever they arise, "in all people, in all cultures, in all times." An approach that incorporates elements of many educational philosophies and religions and integrates the skill mastery techniques of traditional education and the integrated project learning of theme-based education.
Waldorf (or "Steiner") Philosophy
(K - 12) first formulated by Austrian Rudolf Steiner in 1907 in his short book, "The Education of the Child in the Light of Spiritual Science", a child's learning is based
on prescribed developmental stages, with formal education being delayed until age 7, relies on lecture-based experiential learning - a subject is introduced through experiences, then children are guided to explore a subject, then the concept is discussed. Emphasis on arts and crafts, music and movement, natural science, spirituality, and social skill. Children journal their experiences, thoughts, and conclusions, including daily drawing and painting.
Oak Meadow
PreK - 12 Waldorf inspired curriculum
Live Education!
K-8 Waldorf curriculum modified for home use
Montessori Homeschooling
(K - 12) based on her observation that children learn naturally when in a "properly prepared environment" that is designed to promote independent learning and exploration by the child, students often work on activities of their own choosing and are allowed to work at their own pace, Montessori principles are “...rooted in a social movement intended to champion the cause of all children, in all strata of society, of all races and ethnic backgrounds, within and beyond the context of educational institutions...”
Nebel’s Elementary Education: Creating A Tapestry of Learning
Covers K-5 for all subject areas, "... a flexible, child-centered, hands-on, minds-on, logical systematic increments lead to broad, integrated knowledge and understanding supported by self-directed inquiry skills..."", designed to foster critical thinking and a love of learning, no religious focus, includes strong coverage of science. There is a Yahoo! Group,
for parent support.
Zen Homeschooling
(all grade levels) teacher's guide and homeschooling starter manual available, advocates a "Natural Education" approach to homeschooling, defined as "... the continuous process of observing and protecting nature, finding ways to live in harmony, and demanding truth in education..." This is a reality based, secular approach
"... free from religious dictates with an anti-science agenda."
Global Village School for Peace and Diversity Studies
(K - 12) a progressive, customizable homeschool program using online worktexts and text-based curriculum, students may work at their own pace, accredited diplomas available, "...Our courses integrate peace, justice, and diversity studies with the core subjects..."
A Quaker-influenced high school curriculum, "promotes a hopeful vision of humanity's most pressing social concerns, seeks to inspire community service, and to encourage personal reflection", online interdisciplinary content, project-based learning
(K - 12) founded in 1967, "...Ours is as close to a "do it yourself' program as we can get it, designed for those who want assistance on the way. You, the parent, are "the expert", more capable of establishing and maintaining a successful educational process for your child than any school could. Clonlara School is your guide, coach, shoulder to lean on, listening ear, records keeper, and all around HELPER..." provides record-keeping and optional achievement tests, allows early high school graduation, has flexible curriculum requirements using student chosen texts, etc., optional online program, issues accredited diplomas,.
Goddess Moon Circles Academy
(preK - 12) a pagan-focused curriculum with an emphasis on literature and the humanities, can be teacher or student led, offers full package or partial "framework" option, uses online texts and packaged curriculum, uses Spectrum Math and standard science texts in upper grades
Uhura Homeschool Hut
A collective of homeschooling parents joining forces to educate their children in an African–centered approach towards a multi-cultural curriculum that will best fulfill the needs of our children, our communities and our people in hopes to initiate global solutions.