homeschool support: international
| Afghanistan | Australia | Bahrain | Botswana | Brazil | Canada | China || Costa Rica | Denmark | Egypt | Finland | France | Germany |
| Guam | Hungary | India | Indonesia/Jakarta | Israel | Italy |
| Japan | Kuwait | Malaysia | Mexico | Netherlands | New Zealand |
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| Thailand | UAE | UK | USA | Vietnam |
Home-Schooling - The homes are part of a network of six schools for girls in Wardak and Nangarhar provinces that educate more than 2,800 students, the product of the efforts of a 28-year-old Afghan woman named Sadiqa Basiri Saleem.
Home Education Association Inc. - HEA was formed in April 2001 to promote the practice of home education in Australia and aims to provide members with benefits which would be difficult to obtain by individuals or smaller groups. Event organizers especially should look into this group for insurance.
Muslim Home Education Network Australia - Provides information and support on the viable and responsible option of Home Schooling to the Muslim Community.Tasmania
Tasmanian Home Education Advisory Council - Information and support for parents interested in educating at home in Tasmania.
Cover Schools / Distance Learning Programs
Brisbane School of Distance Education - Queensland government-sponsored program for children who live in remote areas.
Charters Towers School of Distance Education - Our school provides quality education to children who for a variety of reasons do not attend mainstream schools. Based in North Queensland.
School of the Air - Australia is a huge continent and is home to some of the most geographically isolated and remote communities in the world. How do children living in these communities go to school? The answer is Community Government schooling and the School of the Air.
Swan Christian College Online - Swan Christian College is co-educational high school with over 850 students. Situated in Metropolitan Perth at the gateway to the Swan Valley.
South Australian Homeschooling Camps - Yahoo Group for families interested in attending and organizing homeschool camps in South Australia.
Past Events in Australia
Legal Information
A Personal View on Programming - There is no explicit requirement that a program be written. I encourage people to program only when and where it helps them to formulate their ideas and to implement their plans.
Programming Examples - Home educators are finding that preparing an education program for their child is a helpful way of documenting their ideas and are using this to demonstrate their educational plans to government officials. By Janelle Hardy, HEA.
Legal Requirements and Registration in NSW - This article deals broadly with legal requirements in NSW and the registration process. Author: Janelle Hardy, HEA.
Legal Requirements and Registration in NT - Parents who wish to home educate children of compulsory school age must ensure that, prior to home education commencing, approval is received through DET.
Why Teach in the Territory - The site the NT government does not want you to see. Dr Robert E. Bartholomew and his wife are former homeschoolers in Australia who became Outback teachers. They launched this website attacking the Northern Territory Education Department as corrupt.
South Australia Education Code For Homeschooling - In South Australia, parents may choose to educate their child(ren) at home rather than accessing a school based education program.
TASMANIATasmanian Compulsory enrolment & attendance - Home education is a legally supported alternative to enrolment at a school, provided that the parent is registered as a home educator in respect of that child. This means that the parent meets the requirements for undertaking home education, as described in the policy statement on home education.
Australia.edu - An online education magazine with downloadable stories for children and loads of tips for educating your kids.
ADF HomeEducation - Hi and welcome to all Australian Defence Force families who homeschool, or are considering homeschooling! Join the email list to ask questions or share information on homeschooling in different states in Australia.
Aussie Homeschool Classifieds - This message board is primarily for Australian Homeschoolers to swap or sell curriculum- new or second hand or to share resources, online links, homeschool businesses or retailers.
Australian home school - This is a list for Australian home schoolers! Welcome! The list is very active and full of great idea's and great people. You can ask questions and respond to posts freely. Homeschoolers, unschoolers, natural learners, Christian, curriculum - all homeschoolers are welcome.
Australian Homeschoolers - Provides parents who are educating their own children and others who are interested in following this path with a comfortable site where they can interact with fellow group members and post regarding any matters whatsoever without apprehension that the messages they post will be met with nitpicking or other discourteous or inconsiderate responses.
Australian Unschoolers - This club welcomes 'home schoolers' from all countries but focuses in particular on help with government 'requirements' for those living in New South Wales, Australia.
Christian Homeschooling in Australia - This is a group for Christian parents who homeschool their children or who are thinking of homeschooling. It is a group where parents can share their experiences with each other good and no so good in an non threatening environment.
CMandFriends-ANZ - We are Aussie, Kiwi, New Guinea and nearby region families, using Charlotte Mason-inspired, living books, literature-based, lifestyle of learning and hands-on learning, approaches.
Homeschool Australia FAQ - You can post your homeschooling questions on this site and Beverley Paine, homeschooling author and publisher with 19 years of home educating experience, as well as other list members, will do their best to answer them.
Joyous Learning - Our roots come from a Gentle Parenting philosophy, so our approach to home education reflects this. We respect and honour the individual needs of our children whilst nurturing their natural love of learning.
Liberated Learning - Home to a mix of Homeschoolers, Natural Learners, Unschoolers, Eclectic Homeschoolers and everything in between.
Muslim Home Education Network Australia - Muslim Home Education Network Australia invites all Muslim Home Schoolers (Sisters) or Muslim Women living in Australia who are actively seeking information on homeschooling to join our Australian based list.
Janette's Pictures and Australian History - This message board has a special section just for children's writing about Australian history. Janette also has Australian clipart for sale.
Overland Australia - Imagine trekking where human feet have barely left a mark and discovering outback Australia without leaving your own classroom. Join our expedition and enjoy the ultimate adventure!
Rockpool Homeschool - There are overseas reviews sites, but they don't cater for our unique needs as Australian and New Zealand homeschoolers. Does the history program we want to use have a US centric focus? Will the phonics program cope with our accents? What about all the wonderful products made especially for us that are not even mentioned on overseas review sites? Well, we think we have the solution.
Supplies and Curriculum
Upgrade to CS6 - only at Adobe.com for Australia and New Zealand.
Current Creative Suite users - Save AU$25/month for the first year on Adobe Creative Cloud.
Always Learning Books - Family friendly how to begin homeschooling, unschooling and parenting books, including books by Beverley Paine.
Aussie Homeschool - A free online community for all Australian homeschool (current, past, enquiring or potential) parents. The purpose and vision of Aussie Homeschool is to connect Australian homeschoolers from every town and state.
Australian Bookshops - This directory is a collection of information about Australian bookshops. Any submissions are most welcome: the more information the better.
Australian Correspondence Schools - For the eclectic learner. All sorts of courses you can enroll in one at a time. Ideal for independent teens.
HEA Australia Member Discounts - The HEA have negotiated the following discounts for its members. We are speaking continually with other service providers, so visit this page again for updates.
Home School Favourites - With ten years of homeschooling behind us so far, we've found the literature/Charlotte Mason approach to be the best thing overall that we have done, and want to support parents in using that method.
Homeschooling Downunder - Charlotte Mason flavored ideas, teaching tips and resources for the homeschool journey. Many of the resources have an Australian and New Zealand flavor but others are universal in appeal.
Homeschooling Supplies (Aust.) - Run by Frank and Valerie Marett, who have homeschooled for over sixteen years. Their catalog includes a large collection of high quality, attractive, Australian material that is self-instructional. Placement testing provided before you buy.
Kingsley Educational Pty Ltd - KEPL is a mail order supplier of home education curriculum and support materials. Primarily Christian materials.
Perth Home Ed Swap List - A place for home based learners in Western Australia to buy, sell or swap used curriculum, books and other home ed related items.
Support Groups
Home Education SA - Support group for homeschoolers in SA, keep in touch with events and activities organised for homeschoolers.
Support Group Lists
Support Groups & Newsletters - If you're seeking contact with other home educators in your area, this is the place to do it. From HEA.
Email links on this page are protected from spammers' harvesting by putting the addresses in JavaScript. To find out how to easily do this on your site, visit Joe Maller's site.
Bahrain Alternative Education & Homeschooling - Holds regular discussion groups about alternative education.
Homeschooling Middle East Bahrain - Blog posts from a mom in Bahrain.Botswana
Legal Information
Out of School Education - From the Botswana Federation of Trade Unions
10.1 Education should not be conceived only as schooling, but as a lifelong learning process for all, both young and old. The goal is to create a learning society in which every individual is acquiring new knowledge. It is therefore necessary to provide access to learning opportunities outside formal education to benefit those who would wish to further their education.
10.2 Out-of-School education is a complex area in view of the wide variety of client groups it caters for. The current situation reveals that the various providers of out-of-school education operate parallel to each other and the quality of the programmes is uneven. This sector lacks the status and recognition it usually enjoys in developed and some developing countries. The sector also lacks a comprehensive policy as it was left out of the Government Paper No. 1 of 1977 with a view to prepare a separate policy which was never done.
10.3 Government recognises the need to create learning opportunities outside the formal education system at all levels for those who would want to avail themselves to the pursuit of further learning. An institutional framework will be created for the delivery and co-ordination of all types of out-of-school education.Brazil
Americans leave school to study with their parents at home - 3/23/04 - The number of children and teenagers that are removed from school by their parents to be educated at home is growing. A psychologist says that the system does not work. By Mariana Leite. Published in the Diário de S.Paulo, Brazil.
National Resources
Association of Canadian Home-Based Education
ACHBE is currently inactive. It may be revived if enough interest is sparked and enough volunteers step forward from the different provinces to make it happen.
Northwest Territories
Department Directive Home Schooling - The new Education Act was passed in June of 1995, and came into force July 1, 1996. It recognizes home schooling as one of the ways in which parents may choose to access the education program for their children.
Prince Edward Island (PEI)
PEIHomeSchool.com - A member-driven homeschool resource site. If you are a homeschooler or are considering it, come and join our community. If you are a veteran homeschooler, we value your input.
Education Act - Part 3, Yukon Department of Education - 31(1) A parent of a student may provide, at home, a home education program for the student if the parent complies with this section and if the program meets the goals and objectives outlined in subparagraph 4(a)(i) of this Act.
Home Education - Government of Yukon - The Department of Education supports the decision by parents to provide home education for their children. The Yukon Education Act specifies that children who have reached the age of six years and eight months by September 1st, and who are younger than 16 years, need to be registered annually with the Minister of Education.
Calvert Homeschoolers' Discussion Board - For Canadian homeschooling parents who are either using the Calvert Home Study Curriculum, or thinking about doing it. If you want to find out more about Calvert, ask questions, exchange ideas, or share your expertise and fellowship with other Canadian Calvert users, you are welcome to join us.
Canada-LDS-hs - Welcome to an online support group for LDS homeschooling families living in Canada. No matter what method you use to homeschool, you are welcome here.
Canadian Homeschool Mail List - Living is learning. This list is the place chatting about anything and everything! Join us to share ideas and information with other Canadian home based learners.
Unschooling Canada - A list for those who have chosen to unschool their children in the child-led learning fashion.
Canadian Homeschooling Books - Books by Canadian authors about homeschooling provided by CHRP.
CM Magazine: Canadian Review of Materials - An electronic reviewing journal. Reviews of books, video and audio tapes and CD-ROMS produced for young people. Also publishes news, feature articles, interviews, and web reviews.
Homeschooling Horizons - Encouragement for home educators.
Yes Mag - Canada's Science Magazine for Kids. Lots of projects for kids.
Canadian History - An A to Z resource from the Children of Eagle and Raven to modern times. Resources for Canadian children and others to study Canada.
Canadian Homeschool Fellowship Lending Library - I hope to offer the best Christian home education, creation science and learning disabilities resources. Use the library to preview books before you purchase them, or just read a book you don't want to pay full price for.
Home and School Solutions - Connie Lacelle offers a lot of help with the Canadian version of the Weaver Curriculum and its sections for Canadian history and British/Canadian spelling.
HomeSchool Canada Free Market - This group is for the FREE exchange of your used but still useful Homeschool supplies. Feel free to exchange curriculum and manipulatives or other items that are of interest to the homeschooling community. Of course, keep it legal and keep it Free.
Oh Canada! - Can't afford U.S. suppliers? Buy Canada instead. Long list of businesses that support homeschoolers in Canada.China
Associations & Support
Chinese Homeschoolers - This list is to support those who are Chinese homeschoolers. Members may live in various parts of the world. They may live in areas supportive of homeschooling or they may live in areas where they are persecuted.
Homeschool Shanghai - A blog to help you get in contact with the SALT Homeschool Group (Shanghai Area Learners Together).
Homeschooling From Abroad - China has changed the whole family and I'm certain it's the best education Zak has received up this point. In the US, so much of what we hear about China is simply untrue. By Leslie Clary, HEM M/J 06.
Children in home schooling face problems - Although to date there has no accurate statistics of homeschoolers in China, the increasing reports of the cases in the media suggest the number is growing. Most parents who home school their children make the decision because they do not believe their children can learn what they really need in school. [Note: not one problem is discussed!] China View.
Home schooling gains favour - Without tuition fees or text books, a group of boys and girls 9 to 18 years of age study together at Catherine Lamb's house in Shanghai. China Daily.
Chinese Homeschoolers - This list is to support those who are Chinese homeschoolers. Members may live in various parts of the world. They may live in areas supportive of homeschooling or they may live in areas where they are persecuted.
Homeschooling in China? - Expat Forum discussion about homeschooling in China.
Home Schooling in HK? - We are relocating with our 6(!!!) kids from the US to HK in april 06. We currently Homeschool and are planning on continuing there. GeoExpat Forum. [Thread talks about a homeschool co-op at the Hong Kong Adventist College.]
Homeschooling in Beijing - We are homeschooling here in Beijing.
Support Groups
The Hong Kong Homeschool Meetup Group - Meet other local families taking responsibility for educating their childen by using resources in the home and community. Field Trips, Mom support and the all important "socialization."
Home Schooling Support Group - Run by Mikayla. You can reach her at 8955 1600, 139 1023 4932 or beijinghomeschooling at yahoo dot comCosta Rica
Parents do not have the option of home schooling their children.- However, private schools are legal. So expatriates may want to sign up with a private distance learning program so they can prove their children are enrolled in a private school. Legal citizens may want to try forming their own very small private schools.
Rainforest Wildlife - An expat family homeschooling project. The best part of living in Costa Rica is that we actually get to see and study these animals! [Note: there is no contact information.]Denmark
Hjemmeundervisning - Denne mailgruppe er et forum for hjemmeundervisende familier i DK. Formålet med gruppen er at dens medlemmer kan udveksle erfaringer og idéer til livet med hjemmeunderviste børn.
Hoslykkegaard - Livserfaringer, autisme og Hjemmeundervisning. Min indgangsvinkel er at den viden og interesse jeg selv har om verden omkring mig, danner en baggrund for at det bare falder mig let.Egypt
Cairo Homeschooling Network - For homeschooling families in the Cairo, Egypt, area wishing to share ideas, support, material, experience and organize events with other homeschooling families. Contact the group owner to join.
Oppi omaan tahtiin - Natural learning Yahoo Group in Finish. Ryhmässä on puhuttu omatahtisena oppimisena mm. unschooling-oppimisesta perheen kesken (kotikoulu) paljon alle oppivelvollisuuiästä alkaen, miten kotikoulu sujuu käytännössä, Montessorin, Freinet'n ajatuksista sekä omaan tahtiin oppimisesta kunnallisissa kouluissa (vähemmän tavallisista esimerkkinä Vantaan Ilolan koulu).
French Homeschooling & Home Education - Conscious Parenting in France - Parent Concept provides information to parents considering home education / homeschooling in France and about conscious parenting generally. It includes an English translation of Home Education - French Law.
Les Enfants D'Abord - L'association "Les Enfants D'Abord" regroupe depuis une dizaine d'années nombre de parents ayant choisi ce mode d'instruction et d'éducation.
L'instruction dans la famille - Official French government site with the law regarding homeschooling in French homes.
Basically, all children of school age residing in Germany have by law to attend a duly-certified school or be taught at home by a qualified teacher certified under the German system. A very important consideration is how long the children will be in Germany: if, for example, a family is only going to be there for one or two years (a normal corporate assignment), officials will typically be less concerned, and may be satisfied if the parents can (for example) document that they have been homeschooling successfully in another system (US, UK) and plan to do so when they return.
Specifics vary from one German Federal state to another, and the attitude of local school officers is very important. There are provisions allowing homeschooling for religious convictions, but the parents have to satisfy the authorities that the children are being "properly" taught, which normally means certification and typically involves the children taking the same examinations as local children.
If we were moving to Germany now, my wife (who has a BS, MA, with qualifications in education) would get herself certified as a teacher in our US state, and I'd get a copy of our state's education code and check the exact language of the exemption clauses. We'd also sign up with one of the correspondence schools to make everything look as normal and official as possible. Finally, we'd make arrangements to have the whole family learn German in some formal framework - probably Goethe Institut.
Global Home Education Conference 2012 - November 1-4, 2012, Berlin, Germany. The GHEC 2012 will attempt to present some key points of the global home education movement by presenting the scientific and legal evidence to policymakers that shows that home education is effective and contributes positively to a democratic society. It is our aim to support home education in becoming globally recognized as the valid form of education that it truly is.
News & Controversy
German 'ghost school' uncovered after 30 years - October 18, 2007. The "ghost school" began as a project by leftwing, mainly academic parents, who set it up in a villa in the district of Steintor, wanting to create an alternative to the rigid pedagogical practices of the state system.
Educating Germany - The discussion and refining of rhetoric for home education reform in Germany. In English so the English-speaking world can understand.
In English
The German Way - Site is exerpt from the book explaining German educational system in general.
Heidelberg Homeschoolers - If you're homeschoolinig, or Unschooling, the main intent of this group is to support homeschooling or home-educating families in the Rhein Neckar Region, to share ideas, plan and promote field trips, organize playgroups in your neighborhood, start on-going clubs.
International Schools in Germany - If all else fails, you can enroll your child in an international school.
Kaiserslautern Inclusive Home School Support - KIHSS is an inclusive but secular (non-religious) home school support group serving the Kaiserslautern, Germany area. We are a member-led, volunteer driven group. We welcome anyone in the KMC who is interested in homeschooling, regardless of religion, rank, homeschool style, or parenting style.
Kaiserslautern Military Community - Support Group meetings (2008/2009 school year) are held monthly (Sep - May) on the second Tuesday, from 6:30 - 9pm, Faith Baptist Church, Einsiedlerhof, about 10 min. from the Ramstein AB east gate. Yahoo Group.
Leben und Lernen - an inclusive support group for Homeschoolers in Kaiserslautern area. We welcome all homeschoolers, regardless of race, religion, gender, nationality, rank, branch of service, reason for being in Europe, or educational philosophy.
Stuttgart Area Home Schoolers - SAHS helps make history come alive through field trips, history faires and many other activities.
In German
AREF-News: Home-Schooling aus Gewissensgründen - Bericht über Schulverweigerer in Deutschland und die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen.
Bundesverband Natürlich Lernen (BVNL) - Bundesweiter Zusammenschluss von Personen und Initativen, die sich für selbstbestimmtes Lernen engagieren. Informiert über Hausunterricht und die rechtlichen Schwierigkeiten mit denen Eltern in Deutschland zu kämpfen haben.
Clonlara-Schule Deutschland - Informationen über die Privatschule und ihr Programm für unbeschulte Kinder.
Hausunterricht - Auch Heimunterricht, "Domizilunterricht" oder Homeschooling auf Englisch, ist eine Form der Bildung und Erziehung, bei der die Kinder zu Hause von den Eltern oder Privatlehrern statt in Schulen unterrichtet werden. Die konkrete Praxis des Hausunterrichts kann sehr unterschiedlich aussehen. Das Spektrum reicht von stark strukturierten, an traditionellem Schulunterricht orientierten Formen bis zu sehr offenen wie dem Unschooling. Wikipedia.
Homeschool-Initiative Baden-Württemberg - Wer wir sind und was wir wollen Perspektive für Kinder Voraussetzungen und Chancen Wo gibt es Homeschooling?
Homeschooling in Deutschland - In Hessen sehen Behörden Homeschooling als Straftat an, alle anderen deutschen Bundesländer ahnden diese Schulform als Ordnungswidrigkeit mit hohen Bußgeldern, Zwangszuführungen oder gar Gefängnis und Sorgerechtsentzug.
Information about Home Schooling in Germany - Hausunterricht in Deutschland, ein Überblick über Gründe, Geschichte, praktischer Ablauf, rechtliche Lage, internationaler Vergleich. Homeschooling wie geht das, welche Unterstützung gibt es? Forum, Links, wir über uns und eine Rubrik Aktuelles mit Neuigkeiten und Terminen runden die Seite ab.
Informationszentrum Leben ohne Schule - Es wird zum Thema "Home Schooling" und zur Schulpflicht in den deutschen Bundesländern sowie zu den geltenden Regelungen im europäischen Ausland informiert.
Kontroverse um Schulpflicht - Verlauf und Eskalation der Schulpflicht-Kontroverse von 2001 bis heute aus Sicht der Glaubensgemeinschaft "Zwölf Stämme". Neben verschiedenen Berichten werden Bilder von der polizeilichen Zwangsvorführung der Schüler zum Schulunterricht am 7.10.2002 angeboten.
Netzwerk Homeschooling Deutschland - Informationen über die Elterninitiative, zu Petitionen an den Bayerischen Landtag und über Hausunterricht als Alternative zum bestehenden Schulsystem.
Philadelphia-Schule freies christliches Heimschulwerk - Ein freies christliches Hausschulwerk stellt sich vor. Homeschooling als Alternative zur oeffentlichen Schulmisere. Grunde, Vorteile, Geschichte von Homeschooling in Deutschland. Paedagogisches Konzept, Aufbau, Traeger, Organisation der Philadelphia-Schule.
Schulbildung in Familieninitiative - Offizielle Präsenz des Vereins mit Informationen zu Homeschooling. Es werden verschiedene Informationsblätter angeboten.
Schulunterricht zu Hause - Verein zur Verwirklichung des grundgesetzlich garantierten Erziehungsrechts der Eltern. The webmasters are American, Christian, home schooling people. If you need more information, please feel free to contact them at RGuen1000@aol.com.
Registration requirement for USAREUR schoolchildren - HEIDELBERG, Germany Children of U.S. Army, Europe, military and civilian personnel who are home-schooled or attending a host-nation school must be registered with USAREUR.Guam
Guam Homeschool Association - Support and encouragement to those in the community who choose to home school their children. Participation in the group is voluntary. The leadership of the group is made up of conservative evangelical Christians. Yahoo Group
Hungarian Homeschooling Links Collection
otthonoktatas.lap.hu - Collection of homeschooling links for Hungarian homeschoolers and homeschooling friends.India
Alternative Education in India - It was suggested to us in India that we could encourage parents who are seriously dissatisfied with their children's schooling to consider the option of home educating. Thus I have circulated an article (shown below), initiated this web page, and started a mailing list so that those interested and concerned in this matter can communicate with each other. Clive Elwell. Yahoo Group.
Alternative Education in India - This mailing list is primarily for the use of families who are home educating in India, and those who are considering doing so.
Arohi Home Schooling - Network of Bangalore families interested in homeschooling. In the early forming stages.
Beginning homeschooling parents group at Bangalore - Forming a group of a few parents who are starting HS, experienced in HS or considering HS to join and form a group where in we can discuss our common concerns and solve problems and guide each other.
Homeschooling India - Twitter account from Alternative Education India. Follow to get information about fun educational things to do in Mumbai with your children.
India KIDS - Come explore India, its mysterious past, games, culture and language.
India Homeschoolers - We discuss and facilitate homeschooling, unschooling and attachment parenting at the local and national level in India.
No kidding we don't go to school - Deepa also gets support from other homeschooling parents in Bangalore, numbering nearly 25. "We often meet during weekends and share our ideas. This is great as it helps us to do a course correction or experiment even more," says Deepa.
Roots Parenting Forum Mumbai - ROOTS' Nurturing young minds is an organization which strongly believes that roots are the main foundation for a growing plant. Homeschool support group in Mumbai.
Shikshantar - Communities must engage in new modes of lifelong societal learning which grow from a larger understanding of and respect for human potential and human dignity, dynamic learning processes and relationships, pluralistic identities and cultural contexts, the human spirit and its connection to the web of life.
We don't need no education - Last year, 12-year old Shreya Sahai dropped out of class and decided to be homeschooled. Not unusual. But she hit a roadblock with The Right to Education Act (RTE) stipulating formal schooling for eight yearsIndonesia/Jakarta
Celebrate Home School In Jakarta Indonesia - We are a Christian support group located in Jakarta, Indonesia. Our mission is to encourage excellence and integrity in home schooling. Celebrate home school support group meets once to twice a month to support each other and provide activities for our children.
Keluarga Homeschooling Indonesia - Information and legal issues about homeschooling in Indonesia. Kami bukan orang tua super. Kami memanfaatkan siapapun yang ada di sekitar kami untuk mendukung proses homeschooling anak-anak. Eyangnya, tantenya, omnya, sahabat-sahabat atau siapapun menjadi sumber belajar Yudhistira dan Tata.
Indonesia Homeschool Social Register - Connect with others homeschooling here. You must first join in order to get email addresses.
Sekolah Rumah - Milis ini merupakan sarana sharing dan berdiskusi mengenai pendidikan anak berbasis rumah, mulai pengasuhan (parenting), pendidikan pra-sekolah, pendidikan usia dini, pendidikan usia sekolah, dan berbagai isu pendidikan anak berbasis keluarga.Israel
Most homeschoolers in Israel "just do it" based on their rights as defined by the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty and ratified in supreme court rulings. Others ask the Ministry of Education for exemption from the compulsory schooling law, and are required to conform to its rather loose protocol. There are regular homeschooling gatherings in many areas in Israel, and also a homeschoolers registry for connecting homeschooling families that live in the same area. -- Yonat
Associations & SupportIsrael Home Education Association - Provides support, activities and resources for homeschoolers and unschoolers in Israel, and promotes awareness of Home Education in Israel through this web site, information nights, and interviews in the media.
Israel homeschool - Share information about homeschooling events in Israel.
Homeschooling FAQ - Questions answered by Yonat.
News - (April, 2009) The Israel Ministry of Education published in April 2009 revised guidelines regarding permits for homeschooling in Israel. The previous guidelines were published in April 2006. The new document is online in Hebrew.
AB Life Schooling - In Hebrew.
Homeschooling Books in Hebrew - Yonat provides affiliate links to books available from Israeli resources and other places, too.
Beofen-Tiv'ee - The most active homeschooling site/forum in Israel. In Hebrew.
Support Group Lists
Beofen-Tiv'ee: Local Groups - Find homeschool support groups in Israel here.
The White List - A directory of homeschoolers in Israel from Beofen Tiv'ee.
See also Jewish HomeschoolingItaly (Italia)
Homeschool Sites
Homeschool / Home Educate In Italy - Son of Thor (8) is about to be home educated after three years in Italian primary school. By his mum, a EFL teacher of twenty years, who has frequent attacks of the collywibbles when she wonders if she is up to the task. His father, the Italian Sock Dropper, was initially very much against the idea (not least cos he didn't think handcuffs would suit him), but changed his mind after yet another year of failure on the school's part to live up to his (culturally low) expectations.
Homeschooling Families in Italy - It takes creative, loving, hardworking parents to homeschool here in Italy and this Message Board is here to give unconditional love to our fellow members.
Scuolafamiliare - Questa lista è nata allo scopo di aiutare le famiglie e i ragazzi che hanno scelto o vorrebbero scegliere la scuola familiare, per scambiare esperienze, consigli, opinioni, per diffondere questa idea e per eventualmente incontrarsi e fornire dei punti di riferimento. Ogni contributo è importante e prezioso.
Sigonella Sicily Homeschool - We are all families stationed in Sicily, Italy who homeschool our children. This email list is for sharing information with all homeschooling families stationed in Sigonella, Sicily.
Fun Things to Do With Kids in Italy - "All over Italy, people were friendly, especially to kids. My kids loved it when waiters treated them like real people and tried out their English on them," writes a friend.
Italiansrus - Your guide to Italian Culture on the Web. Enjoy as you learn more about the traditions, heritage and way of life that make Italians who they are.
Venice for Visitors - Places to go, things to do in this water-bound Italian city.Japan
Association of HomeSchoolers in Christ - In Japanese.
CHEA Japan - English Version. Since Chea Japan has started since 2000 May, Japanese Christians has began to consider to start homeschooling to build up in Christ and to make them as a disciple of Jesus.
Homeschooling in Japan - Site no longer updated, but still has relevant information.
Japan Home School Support Association - HoSA plans to publish its own magazines and bulletins, introduce Japanese versions of home-schooling manuals from the United States, host seminars and symposiums, and facilitate the sharing of textbooks. [Site in Japanese.]
Paideia Network - Helps Japanese homeschooling families to equip their children with English skills, so that they can afford good methods for Christian education and be connected to the worldwide Christian community.
Distance Learning Programs
Atmark Inter-Highschool - Partner of Alger Learning Center in Washington to provide a distance learning program for homeschool students in Japan. Site in Japanese. (Note: a diploma from this school is not recognized in Japan, only in the US.) English version.
Kikokushijo Academy International School - A junior high and high school located in Tokyo, Japan, which provides an American curriculum based on the principles of homeschooling and individualized learning to primarily returnees, bi-cultural students, and international students, through our relationship with Stanford University and Laurel Springs High School, in California.
Tokyo Shure - A free school, Tokyo Shure currently has about 550 families registered in its Home Shure network. [Site in Japanese.]
West River Academy - Caters to unschoolers, so it is important for you to understand this concept. Based in Grand Junction, CO, this program also accepts Japanese "school refusers" to come and learn English with the family owners.
IN JAPAN: Baptists struggle to reach disaster zone - Survivors in the shelters in the earthquake and tsunami areas said they are short of food and water, according to news reports. The Japanese army is using helicopters to bring in basic supplies.
JAPAN Earthquake Blog - Mark and Sharon Bennett, Southern Baptist missionaries to Japan, were homeschooling when the massive 9.0-magnitude earthquake shook Japan March 11. They have a series of videos here.
Escalating Home Visits by Authorities in Japan and elsewhere - Kyoko Aizawa of Otherwise Japan (a homeschool support organization) sent out word of a new law that is effective as of July 1, 2009. Kyoko states this new law authorizes arbitrary governmental visits of any child's home.
Forging a Path for Homeschooling - One family's example helps raise awareness of education options in a land obsessed with academic records. by Takehiko Kambayashi.
Home study gives 'freedom' - In a country where public schools dominate, educating a child at home is beyond most people's imaginations. But Mrs. Kubo, who has home-schooled her children for 10 years, says home-based education has enriched their life. By Takehiko Kambayashi.
Edn-in-jpn - Email list for those home educating in Japan. Aileen Kawagoe, Moderator and Editor.
Japan homeschooling - The homeroom teacher may visit the home periodically, and may or may not try to persuade the parents to send the child to school. Post from an A2Z list member who lives in Japan.
Otherwise Japan
onibabatachi no irutokoro - PO Box Kugayama, Suiginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Email: owj@tkb.att.ne.jp .
Homeschooling Book of Answers (in Japanese) - Kyoko has informed me that her translation of Linda Dobson's book is now available for sale at the Japanese publisher's website. Should you not be able to view the page, you may also email webmaster@kinokuniya.co.jp to get information about purchasing the book.
Support Groups
Misawa Home Educators - This group consists of local members who work closely together to provide the best homeschooling experience at Misawa Air Base, Japan.
Okinawa Homeschoolers - This group is open to any homeschooler at any base on Okinawa. We also welcome any homeschooler who will be arriving to the island in the near future.
Okinawa Unschoolers - Still a bit new. Leave a response if you'd like to join.
Travelers to Japan
Japan Journal - Kimberly Goza and her family - The Act!vated Storytellers - recently got back from a trip to Japan. You can enjoy the story of their trip and listen to a podcast, too.
Homeschooling in Kuwait - A young mother's blog about homeschooling her toddlers.
Living in Kuwait Forum - Forum for homeschoolers and stay-at-home moms.Malaysia
FamilyPlace - FamilyPlace is an initiative for parents by parents using ICT to "bridge families and build communities" with the focus on family and education. Through their website FamilyPlace, articles, discussions and news about education and family issues are presented and discussed.
Homefrontier - A forum for Christian homeschoolers in Malaysia. This is where we meet to exchange ideas and interact with one another.
Homeschool Malaysia - A Compilation of Homeschool Resources. Includes "Things to Do with Kids in KL."
Malaysian Catholic Homeschooling Network - A way to reach out as well as to build an electronic community of Catholic Homeschoolers in Malaysia. A Yahoo Group mail list.
Malaysian Christian Homeschoolers Network - a forum for Christian homeschoolers in Malaysia. This is where we meet to exchange ideas and interact with one another. Like other Christian homeschoolers around the world, we're in it because we believe it's the best way to bring up our kids, and that this is what God wants us do as a family.
Malaysian Home Educators Network - MALHEN is an informal network to bring Malaysian home educators (practising or potential) was created after the dialogue session. It is platform for parents to exchange ideas and share experiences. Most important of all, to provide support and encouragement to help on another as we embark to educate our children at home. Yahoo Group.
Malaysia Homeschool Unite Community - Whether you are considering homeschooling, beginning the adventure, future parent, new family or you're a veteran homeschooler, this is the place for you.
Out of the Box Learning - Learning without schooling in Malaysia. I'm a homeschooling father. Husband of one wife (Sook Ching) and dad to two boys (Ethan and Elliot). Homeschooling means educating one's own children in the home and both my wife and I have been doing that with our 2 sons all their lives.
See also Islamic and Muslim HomeschoolingMexico
Educacion en el Hogar - Este grupo es para todas las personas interesadas en la educacion en el hogar.
El Hogar Educador - This is a bi-monthly magazine designed to contribute to the teaching and encouragement of parents who are educating their children at home in Mexico.
Preguntas y Respuestas sobre la Educación en el Hogar - Recopilado por Mike Richardson.Netherlands (Nederland)
Informatiepunt Thuisonderwijs in (het) Nederland(s) - De laatste tijd merk ik een steeds grotere belangstelling voor thuisonderwijs. Niet alleen vanuit de kant van ouders maar ook vanuit de kant van de media. Deze site wordt steeds vaker geraadpleegd. Mijn doel voor deze site is om een informatiepunt te zijn voor iedereen die belangstelling heeft in thuisonderwijs.
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Thuisonderwijs - In Dutch. In English. In the Netherlands every child is subject to compulsory education from his fifth birthday. The exemptions are extended on the basis of a clause in the law exempting parents from sending their child to school if they object to the "direction" of the education of all schools within a reasonable distance to their home.New Zealand
Welcome to educating at home in New Zealand! We have a wide range of education beliefs and styles, from those who are doing school at home, through to those who are unschooling. NZ citizens and residents are required to send their children to school between the ages of 6 and 16 unless they have obtained a Certificate of Exemption (from attendance at school) in order to homeschool. To apply for the certificate, a form is filled out, and if the Ministry of Education is satisfied, the certificate is issued. You may be visited at any time by an Education Review Officer to establish whether you are "teaching as regularly and as well as a state school". Reviews are by random selection and around 10% of the parents of exempted children are reviewed each year. Home education in New Zealand is now recognised as a valid education alternative and an increasing number of people are choosing this option. If you would like to contact someone about homeschooling in New Zealand, Phil and Lynette Astley's website at Kiwi home Educators is a good place to start. -Mike & Lynette Woods
The Home Education Foundation - A charitable trust established to encourage Christians to take up the option of educating their children at home and to support them in their task.
The National Council of Home Educators of New Zealand - An incorporated society set up to encourage, promote, inform and advance the cause of home education in New Zealand at a national level. Join NCHENZ here.
Legal Information
ERO - Review Process - Homeschooling - The Education Review Office (ERO) is the government department that reports on the education of students in schools and early childhood services, as well as on the education of exempted (or homeschooled) children.
Homeschooling NZ -- Help with MoE Exemptions and ERO Reviews - If you would like to talk to us then either phone us or email us your phone number and we can ring you straight back -- we are on a flat rate for tolls so it wont cost us anything.
NZ Legal and Administrative Issues - Learn why NZ homeschoolers refer to themselves as "Prunes" while also reading up on the way to legally homeschool in New Zealand.
ChedNet NZ - The Christian Home EDucation NETwork Email Discussion Group. Discuss curricula from a Christian worldview. Moderated by Craig Smith, National Director of Christian Home Schoolers of New Zealand.
Christian Textbooks - NZ Homeschooling - This email group is for NZ homeschoolers (aka home educators :-)) who use Christian textbooks (eg ABeka, Bob Jones, Apologia) as a part (no matter what size) of their homeschooling programme ... and any other NZ homeschooler interested in being a part of this group.
Classical Christian Home Education Network of New Zealand - This discussion group is for those Christian families who would like to be training their children to think and not just to be concentrating on output (for exams or the ERO).
CM and Friends - Australians, New Zealanders-Down-Under - We are Aussie, Kiwi, New Guinea and nearby region families, using Charlotte Mason-inspired, living books, literature-rich, 'wholehearted child', and 'lifestyle of learning' approaches. Yahoo Group
Diana Waring History Alive discussion group - For those who are using the Waring resources in New Zealand. Your questions can be directed to Diana Waring herself when necessary.
Harvest-Curric-Swap-NZ - A New-Zealand e-mail list for buying and selling used homeschool curriculum.
HefNet - The New Zealand based Home Education Foundation email list discussion NETwork. Moderated by Craig Smith, a trustee of the Home Education Foundation based in New Zealand.
Home Educators, Non-Christian - HENC is intended for Home Educators of either no religious persuasion, or of a religious persuasion other than Christianity. The purpose of the list is support for non-Christian Home Educators who exist in a largely Christian HE world.
National Council of Home Educators of New Zealand - This group has been set up to promote discussion among the members of the National Council about the issues facing home education in New Zealand. Membership of this group is by invitation or application to the moderator.
NZ Home Educators - An inclusive forum in which New Zealand Home Educators can discuss ideas, issues, questions, concerns, resources, etc., as well as to provide support, advice and encouragement for each other.
NZ Unschoolers - Intended for unschoolers living in New Zealand, interested in unschooling in New Zealand in the future, or those interested in finding out what unschooling means within New Zealand.
Radical Unschoolers Aotearoa - A small, friendly co-operatively run mailing list based in New Zealand. Here purist unschoolers (and wannabe purist unschoolers) can offer each other support, advice, and ideas.
Upgrade to CS6 - only at Adobe.com for Australia and New Zealand.
Boom Family - Music With Heart - Singing homeschool family and creators of "The Happy Prince" book and CD to help support an impoverished child.
Catlins Wildlife Trackers Ecotours and Accommodation - Ecotourism trips emphasise learning about and seeing nature with us. We're a homeschool family in Owaka,New Zealand
Harvest-Curric-Swap-NZ - For New Zealand homeschool families only. It's purpose is to buy and sell used homeschool curriculum.
Father and Child - Shows dads in their various roles, their joys and their struggles, their parenting and their problems. Some articles about a father's role in homeschooling.
Harvest-Curric-Swap-NZ - A New-Zealand e-mail list for buying and selling used homeschool curriculum
The Homeschool Page - Educational articles and ideas largely aimed at homeschooling young children. Created by NZ homeschoolers, Jackie and Theo van Oostrom of Wanganui.
Kiwi Home Educator - Large site with lots of resourses for homeschoolers in New Zealand.
Kiwi Kids Learn - Information, expert knowledge, resources and hands on practical advice to enable you to support your children to be all that they can be.
Rockpool Homeschool - There are overseas reviews sites, but they don't cater for our unique needs as Australian and New Zealand homeschoolers. Does the history program we want to use have a US centric focus? Will the phonics program cope with our accents? What about all the wonderful products made especially for us that are not even mentioned on overseas review sites? Well, we think we have the solution.
Support Groups
Auckland Home Educators - An incorporated society of home educating parents living in the greater Auckland region, who actively facilitate their children's education on a full-time basis.
Auckland Unschoolers - This is a place for unschooling families who live in Auckland, New Zealand, to make new friends, plan get togethers, trips, camps etc.
Canterbury Home Educators - CHE presently has a membership of approximately 224 families. During the year, many of these families get together and organise shared activities and resources for their children's benefit.
The Home Educators Network Inc - THEN is based in Hamilton, Waikato, NZ. Quarterly newsletter, Swimsafe lessons, outings, picnics, science & social studies fairs, networking and support. Yahoo Group.
Horowhenua Home Educators - This group is for announcements and notices for Home Educators in the Horowhenua region.
Rodney Hibiscus Coast Home Educators - This group provides information on activities and events which may be of interest to Home Educating Families living in Rodney District. As schedules change each term the list of homeschool activities has been removed from this homepage, so be sure to read your e-mails or search the messages for your interests.
South Auckland Home Educators - This website is for anyone thinking about home educatoring ( homeschooling), or is currently home educating in South Auckland. We have a Yahoo Group that you can join (free) which started in 2001. But this site is new (2008).
Twin City Home Educators - Supports the loose-knit network of 60+ home-educating families in the greater Hawkes Bay region, New Zealand. These families represent a diverse range of pedagogies from unschooling, through eclectic materials, thematic units, overseas vs NZ, christian vs non-sectarian, living books to monitored curriculum.
Wellington Home Schoolers Association - We encourage and help home schooling parents in the greater Wellington area to foster the fullest development of their children's potential. Yahoo Group.
Whangarei Home Educators - A non-profit organisation who take education for their children seriously, believing that each individual deserves to have a chance to receive a high quality education.
Support Group Lists
New Zealand Email Lists, Support Groups, Message Boards, Forums and Newsletters - From Leaping From the Box.Norway
Hjemme Undervisningen i Norge - Home Education in Norway, Sentralavdeling / Central division
Opplysningstjenesten for hjemmeundervisning - In English. Contact information included. OTH in Norweigian.Pakistan
Homeschooling in Pakistan - I'm a mother of two girls whom I homeschool. Mars is 9 and Bear is almost 6. I am from Singapore and am married to a Pakistani. We have two homes--one in Singapore and one in Islamabad, Pakistan. We live mostly in Islamabad though and visit my family in Singapore twice a year.
Contact: Pastor Mark Atkinson - Lima, Peru, minister of the Union Church of Lima, who can help you connect with other homeschoolers in Miraflores, San Isidro, or other municipalities in greater Lima. Email: Pastor Mark Atkinson pastormark@infonegocio.net.peor unionchurch@infonegocio.net.pe.
Homeschooling and open universities in the Philippines - Homeschooling is supported by Article IV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, which decrees that quality education at every level should be made accessible to all Filipinos, including self-learning, independent, and out-of-school study programs.
Doha Home Educators - We are a group of families living in Qatar and learning at home who come together to celebrate our diverse world.
Saudi Arabia
Musings of a Muslim Pakistani American Mom in Riyadh - If your child was attending an American online school (even if it is accredited) and if you moved to Saudi Arabia, they would not be able to attend a Saudi International school.
Our Saudi Arabian Adventure at KAUST - Our family of 7 has embarked on an adventure to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where my husband Mark will be working in the Research Computing department. This blog is to share our adventures with friends and family in the United States.
Saudi Arabia- Home-schooling: An alternative education solution - Parents in Saudi Arabia find it difficult to find the resources because this form of teaching is not recognized.Scotland
Schoolhouse Home Education Association - A source of information for parents/carers and young people who are starting out on the home-education path, as well as those who are contemplating the idea or who just want to know more. We hope it will also provide reassurance to all families, that home education is alive and kicking in Scotland.
By Other Means - I'm Lucy, home educating my two children in Northern Scotland. This is a record of our activities and learning, a year in to home ed.
Legal Information
Home Education Guidance - Guidance to parents and local authorities on home education. Official Print Publication Date: January 2008.
Home Education & the Law in Scotland - Relevant sections of The Education (Scotland) Act 1980. From the Schoolhouse Home Education Association.
Children Educated at Home : Information for Parents/Guardians - Living in Glascow: Parents/guardians are within their rights to make a request to educate their child at home rather have them taught at one of the local authority schools.
Schoolhouse News - Latest News - Although Schoolhouse is a Scottish organisation dedicated to the needs of home educators and home educated young people in Scotland, the perspective of the News is distinctly global and contributions are encouraged from all who are committed to increasing choice and extending diversity in education throughout the UK and overseas.
EO-Scotland - An email list run by Education Otherwise for all home educators who are interested in home education in Scotland.
Scottish Home Education - We hope it will facilitate the exchange of information and ideas, improve communication throughout the home educating community in Scotland and offer help and support to all those who need it.
Scottish home-ed recycle resources - This list is for home educators in Scotland who wish to pass on or sell their now redundant resources or to post a "wanted" notice for resources. It is only open to home educating families who are genuinely recycling resources and not for commercial companies.
Support Groups
North Queensferry Home Education - We are families with children who are being home educated in Scotland and attend a fortnightly group in North Queensferry.
NOSHEd - The aim / purpose of this forum is to provide a means for these families to meet for educational and social purposes. Most of the meetings are in the Elgin and Inverness areas, ocassionally in Aberdeenshire and most recently in Dingwall. The hope is that as more people join the forum, these meetings will be more wide spread.Singapore
Singapore Homeschool Group - Associations
Singapore Homeschool Group - A non-profit group of homeschooling families from Singapore and many other countries. Our purpose is to provide support and resources for homeschooling families.
Family Blogs
Homeschooling in Singapore and the USA: a comparison - If any of you are thinking of homeschooling your children in Singapore, I wish you luck. It is not an easy path to get permission. A year and a half into seeking it, we are still being fobbed off. In theory, you ask MoE for permission. In practice, no one will be approved.
The ONG family Homeschool - Homeschooling in Singapore! ....getting off the "Singapore School System" beaten track. This is a record of our triumphs and tribulations... a couple of gripes along the way... but a whole load of thanksgiving!
Teaching Our Own - The Domus Academy isn't about a place of learning, a place in the home. It is about a lifestyle of learning, centered around the home and more importantly around the people in that home - Daddy our fearless leader and principal, Mummy our teacher and mentor, Alethea our prefect and guardian, Timothy our spokesperson, and Nathalie our class clown. And in May 09, God-willing, we will add another student to the Academy!
Legal Information
Applying for Exemption from Compulsory Education - As Primary Education in Singapore is compulsory, Singaporean homeschoolers intending to homeschool their children through primary school need to apply for exemption from compulsory education. This should be done the year before the child is due to enter Primary 1.
Compulsory Education Exemptions - Where the parents are able to satisfy MOE that the two key objectives of CE can be achieved for their children. Parents will have to apply to MOE for a certificate confirming that the child has been exempted from CE.
Go to school or pay a fine of $5000 - She seems to feel strongly that these kids are bright, witty and such fast-learners that what they need to go through life would come easily to them. Do we really want to let the another party to decide if we or our children would like to attend school?
Homeschooling in Singapore - According to the Compulsory Education Act, a child of 'compulsory school age' is one who is above the age of 6 years and who has not yet attained the age of 15 years. A child of compulsory school age born after 1st January 1996, and who is citizen of Singapore residing in Singapore, has to attend a national primary school as a pupil regularly, unless he/she has been exempted from CE, e.g. a child with special needs, a child attending a designated school, a child receiving home-schooling.
Singapore Homeschool Group Message Board - Got a question about homeschooling in Singapore? Post it here in this open message board.
Singapore Homeschool Social Register - Just a few posted here, but maybe they just need a little encouragement.
The Home Library - Offline until April 2010 while in the process of moving. Clearance sale on existing stock.
TEACH Asia - Affiliated with the European Academy for Christian Homeschooling - TEACH's purpose is to assist parents with the Biblical and God-given task of bringing up their own children in the fear and admonition of the Lord and fully preparing them for the purpose He has for their lives.South Africa
Association for Homeschooling - Since its inception in 1992, the we have promoted the recognition of the right of parents to educate their children within the family in South Africa, as it is recognised in art. 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Right.
Cape Home Educators - We work to maintaining a legal environment in which parents are able to educate their own children at home. We provide information on home education. We create platforms for home educators to meet and network.
Eastern Cape Homeschooling Association - The Association endeavours to obtain the recognition of society and the protection of the law for the obligation and concomitant right of parents to educate and school their children in every respect. A large site with lots of resources for all.
Western Cape Home Schooling Association - South Africa is just starting to format homeshooling laws. This site is of interest to all, to follow along with this struggle.
Legal Information
Pestalozzi Trust - A registered public benefit organisation that is exempt from income tax because it uses its income to make it possible for parents to choose home education with assurance and confidence and in the best interests of their children.
Home Schooling - South Africa Government Services - Do you prefer to teach your child at home? If so, apply to the head of your Provincial Education Department to register your child for home schooling. You can either teach your child or hire a tutor to do so.
Homeschool South Africa - Christian group designed to assist and encourage new homeschool families by providing information and links to curricula and homeschool methods.
Homeschooling in South Africa - Would you like to sit back with a cup of coffee and chat online to other SA homeschoolers about any hs topic?
HSKitchenTable - This list was created for South African Christian Homeschoolers to share practical advice & encouragement with one another as well as to create a platform to sell used HS-material.
Tuisonderwys in Suid-Afrika - Home education in South Africa - Lidmaatskap van die groep is nie beperk nie, en enigeen kan enige saak aanraak, mits dit direk of indirek met tuisonderwys verband hou. Membership of the list is not limited and any matter may be raised, provided that it relates directly or indirectly to home education.
Programs and Curriculum Providers
Clonard Home Education - Curricula for children from pre-school to Grade 10. The course for each grade is closely aligned to the syllabus in South African schools and is designed by highly qualified and experienced teachers. There is no need for the parent to be a qualified teacher, but parent involvement is essential.
Dynamis - Workshop presenters who support and inform home educators in South Africa. Their goal is to serve and equip parents to take up the full responsibility for their child's education.
Home Schooling Curriculum Providers in South Africa - List with contact information from the Kwa-Zulu Natal Homeschooling Association.
KenWeb - Computer-based curriculum in Afrikaans.
Learn the News - Stories from around the world. Each story includes vocabulary help and a worksheet. Published during the South African school year, January through October.
Love2Learn - A fully comprehensive Christian programme designed specifically for the home-school and catering for children from the age of two right through high school.
Nukleus Onderwys - Vakouteurs en verskaffer van Afrikaanse lesmateriaal en ondersteuningsdienste vir Christen ouers en leerlinge wat tuisonderrig verkies. Nukleus fokus op karaktervorming en kreatiewe denke.
Praetor Education Technology - How to use open source software to develop free curriculum online. Free Java lessons for educators. Good math and science resources already developed.
Footprints on Our Land - We invite you to explore our growing treasury of useful information about local homeschooling and some South African homeschooling curriculum options.
Home School Info in South Africa - Your hostess is Kathy le Cordeur, mother of 4 children and with 10 years of teaching-at-home experience. The aim of this site is to inform those who are new to home education and to encourage those already on the way.
Home Schooling Resources in South Africa
Tuisskool Hulpbronne in Suid-Afrika - National and local support associations. Links in English and Africaans.
Homeschool Curriculum for Life - A website that has so much info for the SA family, although many international curricula and resources are also listed, that this also makes a great site for any homeschool family anywhere.
Nukleus Onderwys - Nukleus Onderwys bied u die volledigste tuisskool pakket in sprankel Afrikaans. A curriculum and support centre for Afrikaans speaking home schoolers.
South African Homeschool Curriculum - An estimated 100,000 families are homeschooling in South Africa. Shirley and Wendy are veteran homeschoolers who will help you to understand how homeschooling works and answer your questions. We invite you to explore our growing treasury of useful information about local homeschooling and some South African homeschooling curriculum options.South Korea
Seoul American Homeschool Network - Yongsan - SAHN is a support group for homeschooling families living & working at USAG Yongsan & its related organizations. This is not a religious based group. This is a group for all home-schooling families to come together to support one another for the purposes of schooling their children.
Asociation for Freedom in Education - ALE, Apdo. 68, 08880 Cubelles, Barcelona, Spain.
La Asociación para la Libre Educación es una asociación registrada en Diciembre de 2002 en España que defiende el derecho a Educar en el Hogar.
Clonlara School-Oficina en España - Si quiere más información sobre la educación en casa.
Crecer Sin Escuela - Un punto de encuentro en España para las famílias que desean enseñar a sus hijos en casa en lugar de mandarlos al colegio.
Educa System - Clases particulares. Clases online. Asistentia académica. Clases en grupo.
Educación Libre - Un foro para las familias hispanoparlantes que desean enseñar a sus hijos en casa en lugar de mandarlos al colegio.
Homeschooling is Officially Illegal in Spain - Homeschooling was declared illegal in Spain in December 2010, mainly because there is no language in the Spanish constitution that permits it.
Interview with Home Educator Sharon Gunning - I was surprised to learn how many families home school here (in Catalunya. In our small town-we live near Piera- there are 15 homeschooling families, most of which are Catalan/Spanish.
Lloc web d'Educar en Família - Coordinadora Catalana pel Reconeixement i la Regulació de l'Educació en Família.
Resultados de la busquéda "homeschooling" - Search results on "homeschooling" in Hazteoir.org.
Teaching Jobs in Spain - Spanish families hire English tutors on contract basis for educating themselves in English and the prospect of these jobs are developing with the global demand of English. So, if private tutoring is allowed, and only a high school degree is required, it would seem to me that parents could either hire a tutor, or qualified parents could be the tutors.
Hemskola i Sverige - This group is for anyone interested in homeschooling in Sweden. Discussions are partly in Swedish and partly in English.
Riksorganisationen f�r Hemundervisning i Sverige - The Swedish Association for Home Education with information about the laws and loads of good links to help Swedes homeschool. English section. Email contact is not valid.
Proposal for new School Law 2009 - The 16th of June, 2009, the Swedish Government presented its proposal for a new Swedish School Law, that has been in the works for many years.Swedish Government page for new homeschool law.
Rohus - Riksorganisationen för Hemundervisning i Sverige - Lär dig allt om vad hemundervisning är och inte är, och om hur man gör för att hemundervisa - och hur bra det fungerar för barnen!
School - To Be or Not To Be - What is home-education? What does Swedish law say?Switzerland
Bildung Zu Hause Die Schulalternative - Home Schooling Association of Switzerland. A Swiss group, that is pretty large now, run out of Zurich. Information on the Theme of Home Education as well as practical advice, references, news, events and more.
Home Education Network of Geneva - A loose network of families in the Lac Leman area. Contact HENGregioncontact@gmail.com for more information.
Homeschool Wiki for Switzerland - This wiki drastically needs editing and additional content, but with a little work from the homeschool community in Switzerland, it could turn into something useful.
Homeschoolers Switzerland - Yahoo Group for all English speaking homeschoolers in Switzerland.
Homeschooling en Suisse - Sites des familles en Suisse et France voisine qui pratiquent l'enseignement en famille (homeschooling dans les pays anglophones).
Homeschooling in Switzerland? - Welcome to the English Forum Switzerland forums. Anyone know anything about the situation in Switzerland? Forum post with replies.
Bangkok Area Homeschool Network - A support network for home schooling families. Designed to provide parents with a network to discuss teaching methods, curriculums and available resources, and to give home schooled children regular contact with others, including field trips, play times and group classes / educational activities. For more information please contact Allison Coley on 089-782-3478 or email her at allison.coley@yahoo.com.
Bangkok for Kids and Families - The excitement of speeding along the Chao Phraya River in a noisy tail boat, the fascination of watching a snake being milked of its venom or a tuk-tuk ride through the city are just a few of the experiences Bangkok has to offer both kids and adults.
The Family Learning Center of Chiang Rai - A ministry that provides resources for the student of the cooperative, for the home-schooling parents in Chiang Rai Province, and for the Christian English speaking Community.
Homeschooling in Thailand... a World Away - I often feel that I can not give everything I want to homeschooling because of all the demands on my time - I need to study Thai, do ministry, etc. - but I know the kids have enriching experiences simply by living in this culture and attending cultural events. By Jennifer Tibbets.
The Thailand Guidebook - Excellent huge resource for those looking for hands-on and resources for teaching children.
When kids study at home - Cooperation is an important aspect of the homeschooling life of the families who make up the group in Chiang Mai. It enables them to share curriculum resources, ideas and advice as well as support and friendship. The coherence of the group, made up of families from five countries, derives from shared Christian values.UAE
Abu Dhabi HomeSchoolers Association - ADHSA is a volunteer group of homeschoolers from different nationalities, faiths, cultures and homeschooling backgrounds, with its primary focus being to address the needs of children from grade 1 through high school. Our purpose is to encourage, support and inform each other and the homeschooling community in the greater metro area of Abu Dhabi. Be sure to check their FAQ page.
Emirates Homeschooling - All emirates in the United Arab Emirates, north of Abu Dhabi. That includes Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al-Quwain, Ras al-Khaimah and Fujairah. This homeschooling group is a place where we can share issues, ideas and encouragement in regards to homeschooling.
UK - United Kingdom
Education Otherwise - Takes its name from law which states: "either by regular attendance at school or otherwise."
Home Educating children with special educational needs in the UK - If you are home educating a child with special educational needs, or if this is something that you are thinking about, then I'd like to invite you to join us. You will be very welcome.
Home Education Advisory Service - Help with homeschooling in the UK.
Home Education UK - A really fun site with lots of activities to join: mail lists, quizzes, and loads of homeschooling information, including UK laws concerning compulsory education.
Home Education in the UK - Information, articles about all aspects of home education in the UK, advice for general parenting, ideas for getting started in home education, and links to useful resources organised by subject.
Muddle Puddle - Lots of homeschooling resources from this British mum.
Past Events in UK
Legal Information
Can I take my child out of school and educate them at home? Elective home education is the term used by the Department for Education to describe parents' decision to provide education for their children at home instead of sending them to school.
DCSF Elective Home Education Guidelines for Local Authorities in England - Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children receive a suitable education. Where parents have chosen to home educate, we want the home educated child to have a positive experience. We believe this is best achieved where parents and local authorities recognise each others rights and responsibilities, and work together.
Is there any financial help with the cost of entering home educated children for public examinations? No, the local authority is not obliged to help home educators with any costs associated with examinations.
Is there any funding available for parents who choose to educate their child at home? Some local authorities (LA) may make curriculum materials available to parents at their discretion. Contact your LA to find out if they make this provision.
Welsh Assembly Guidelines for Local Authorities in Wales - Elective home education is where parents or guardians decide to provide home-based education for their children instead of sending them to school. It is not home tuition provided by a local education authority or where a local education authority provides education otherwise than at a school.-
Vietnam Education Law - Article 11. Point 3. Families shall have the responsibilities of facilitating or their members in the defined age group to pursue learning in order to obtain the level of universalised education. While homeschooling isn't mentioned in the law, this isn't a bad thing. You may only need to reassure the governing authorities that you are meeting the "Requirements on contents and methods of general education" in Article 28.
