homeschool support: religious
| Adventists | Baha'i | Buddhist | Catholic | Christian Fundamentalist || Islamic and Muslim | Jehovah's Witnesses | Jewish | LDS / Mormon | Pagan |
| Quaker | Unitarian |
The Adventist Home Educator
Hundreds of SDA homeschoolers support the SDA church, but not the SDA school system as it is now.
All 7th day Sabbatarian faiths are represented here. This is not the place to debate these doctrines. Share resources, help each other with home work, talk about projects or activities, discuss problems, find encourgement, or just have fun. -
Baha'i Homeschooling
A Yahoo Group to support those of us who wish to educate our children using the guiding principles of the Baha'i Faith. -
Buddhist Christian Homeschooling
A homeschooling family trying to get a handle on all the newness that comes along with being a first time homeschooler with values not reflected in the majority of their city.
Buddhists Homeschoolers
We are a group of parents who are Buddhists or simply have a strong interest in Buddhism and who are homeschooling their children.
Family Dharma Connections
An online Sangha, is devoted to Buddhist families with children and others interested in sharing Dharma and Buddhism with children. Created by a homeschool mom.
My Homeschooled, Buddhist Life
My name is Rhi (Ree). I am a self-educated buddhist. I am also un-schooled. My nickname is Rhi-Rhi. I really hope you like my blog.
New England Buddhist Homeschool Group
We are such a minority -- us Buddhist Homeschool Families. Perhaps through this forum we can share our experiences in trying to incorporate Buddhism into our lives and homeschooling endevors.
Zen and the Art of Homeschooling
For me, this is why I'm so drawn to Zen Buddhism. It emphasizes trust in the universe that things happen the way they do because that's how things are meant to be. By Tammy Takahashi.
Keeping It Catholic
A network founded by Catholic homeschooling parents, is the largest and most popular site on the web devoted primarily to Catholic home education...and we're still growing. Over 500 pages of resources.
Catholic Homeschool Conferences
Conferences listed alphabetically by state.
Illuminated Ink - Catholic Homeschooling Conferences
Vendor's list of conferences where they will be showing their products.
Famous Catholic Homeschooler
Elizabeth Ann Seton
The first American-born saint. Born in 1774 in New York City, Elizabeth Bayley was home-schooled by her father, a Professor of Anatomy at King's College (now known as Columbia).
Known Homeschool Sacramental Guidelines
Provided by Keeping It Catholic (KIC). The following guidelines are published as they appear in original form. We have added color emphasis to sections to which parents may wish to pay particular attention.
A list for ...you guessed it.. Catholic homeschooling Moms. The purpose of the list is to offer and receive help, suggestions, support, friendship and share information.
Catholic Homeschool UK
This list is a place where Roman Catholic homeschooling families in the UK can meet for friendship, discussion of home education in general and issues relating to teaching the Catholic faith in particular.
The KIC OnLine Support Group
Provided by Keeping It Catholic (KIC). Created specifically for Catholic homeschooling families and their friends. It's a free email message service that you subscribe to!
Love2learn Blog
Ideas, stories, thoughts, resources and advice on Catholic homeschooling and family life.
Malaysian Catholic Homeschooling Network
A way to reach out as well as to build an electronic community of Catholic Homeschoolers in Malaysia. A Yahoo Group mail list.
Stands for our Keeping In Touch Catholic Homeschool Electronic Network and is a great place for Catholic parents to gather to talk about homeschooling resources, curriculums, support, issues and matters pertaining to our Catholic faith.
Stories for the Homeschool Heart
Facebook wall for Catholic homeschool moms to share celebrations. Sponsored by the publisher and author of the book of the same name, coming out late summer 2010.
St Ursula Network
The purpose of this group is to enable Catholic homeschoolers to network with each other.
Catholic Homeschooling Resources
Whether you are thinking about catholic homeschooling, looking into the pros and cons of it, searching for various types of curriculum, or just want to spice up the way you do things, you've found your way to the right place.
Favorite Resources for Catholic Homeschoolers
A free resource guide, research tool and sampler for Catholic parents and others who "love to learn".
Homeschool Connections: Upcoming Courses
Each of these WebEx-based courses are recorded and available for purchase after they (along with all of the instructor's material) have concluded. Please refer to �Recorded Courses� for access to our current list of recorded courses.
Maureen Wittmann: Catholic Treasury
The home page of Maureen Wittmann, speaker and author of The Catholic Homeschool Companion. Filled with reproducible forms, unit studies, links and other useful homeschooling resources.
State Support Groups
Catholic Home Alliance of North Georgia Educators
The mission of C.H.A.N.G.E. is to support Roman Catholic families who embrace home education.
Catholic Homeschoolers of Pennsylvania
This network serves hundreds of Catholic families in Pennsylvania who are faithful to the Magisterium of the Church & Pope John Paul II and who find home education to be their response to the Church's teaching to be the primary educators of their children.
Catholic Homeschooling in Hawaii
While Esther's site does contain some resources in Hawaii, she has also provided lots of resources for Catholic homeschoolers anywhere. A multi-ethnic family, she has an interesting collection of madonna icons from around the world.
Tri-State Regional Catholic Home School Network
A network of Catholic Home Schooling families in the Hagerstown/Martinsburg/Gettysburg area. The Network allows families to keep in touch, offer support and advice, and request prayers.
Wyoming Catholic Homeschoolers
This is an email list primarily for Wyoming Catholic Homeschoolers, those interested in homeschooling in Wyoming, or those moving to Wyoming, and seeking information.
NOTE: Local Catholic support groups are listed on regional pages.
Support Group Lists
Catholic Groups By State and Country
From Catholic Homeschool Support.
Are You Needing Some Help?
Barb Shelton offers advice to Christian parents who are frustrated either with their children's school situation or with burnout with their curriculum choice.
Christian Homeschool Forum on CIN
An active message board.
Christian Homeschoolers
We are homeschoolers in the US military currently living overseas in Japan. Please take time to read about us, what we believe, and the wealth of special resources our site has to offer on Christianity, homeschooling and more.
Design Your Homeschool
A step-by-step systematic process which will help you plan and create the Christian homeschool that suits the needs of your family and is in keeping with your goals.
Heart of the Matter
Blog with a wide variety of helpful resources and lesson ideas for the Christian homeschool family.
Homeschool Christian
Information and support for Christian homeschoolers. 24 message boards, and regularly scheduled chats to inform and encourage you as you instruct your children in the way they should go.
Parenting in Jesus' Footsteps
We believe in using gentle discipline when teaching children right from wrong, refraining from spanking and harsh punishments. The Lawrence Family site.
Religious Issues
Fred Worth's counter objections to homeschooling your kids for religious reasons.
Association of Relaxed Christian Home Educators
ARCHERS is a network of small, local groups forming to support the relaxed, Christian method of homeschooling.
Home School Blessings - National Christian Home Educators Association
A growing resource web site, support group, newsletter and children's ministry for Christian home schooling families.
Homeschool Alumni
As a venue and sounding board for the community, we also seek to support, inform, educate and inspire our membership by sharing news, articles, and essays that are specifically relevant to the homeschool alumni community.
Homeschooling with Humor
A Christian, whimsical and creative approach to homeschooling/parenting your shy, gifted, A.D.D. or learning disabled child.
Moms Dedicated to God
Do you suffer from depression and/or other related issues? Do you need a safe place to come? Are you a Christian? Then, this is the place for you.
Teen Homeschool Hang
A Christian forum and website for teenagers. This is a clean site. So teens can have fun and parents don't have to worry! In fact, if anyone's parents would like to email the management before they allow their teen to join, we'd be happy to answer any questions.
TOS E-Newsletter
Are you ever discouraged? Have you ever felt like giving up? Do you feel you lack wisdom? Do you wonder where you can turn for encouragement? Wonder no longer. This is the place where you will be pointed in the right direction. Mom's Devotional Door is here for the encouragement and inspiration we all need in this endeavor we call homeschooling.
Islamic and Muslim
Associations & Networking
Dallas Muslim Homeschoolers Association
Group for interested and committed parents to share experiences and make recommendations regarding curiculum, website links, activities in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, sports and everything and anything pertinent to the homeschooling experience.
Muslim Home Education Network Australia
Here to provide information and support on the viable and responsible option of Home Schooling to the Muslim Community.
The Muslim Homeschool
A homeschooling site primarily for muslims using the 'classical' method of homeschooling, the Well Trained Mind in particular.
Ta'Alim Islamic Homeschool Alliance of Georgia
A homeschool support group and a consultation/information organization for Muslim homeschoolers throughout Gwinnett, Dekalb and Metro Atlanta area.
Education for Muslim Children
A resource for Muslim educators and homeschooling families. Come here for discussions and sharing of information and resources of educational topics as they apply towards teaching our children. We welcome you to come, share and learn together.
Muslim Home Education Network Discussion Forum
Assalamu Alaikum, (Greetings). A community where members can discuss anything and everything related to Home Schooling.
Muslims and Home Education
As salamu Alaikum! The aim of this Group is to provide a friendly forum for Muslims Home Educators, Parents and Carers. Women only.
Salafi Education
The aim of this group is to enable people to aid and support one another in home schooling and share beneficial resources as well as helping one another to adhere to Islam correctly upon the Quraan and authentic Sunnah as understood by the Salaf.
Learning About Islam
Arabic Learning Materials
Some of the materials available will be posted on this website, but for more information about teaching your children Arabic, please join my Yahoo Group, Islam Lessons.
The Holy Quran
The religion's holy book is presented in its original Arabic and several translations, including English, in text and audio versions. Searchable.
Internet Islamic History Sourcebook
Fordham University presents this overview of Islamic history and culture. Lots of links to original source material online.
Islam for Children
I have written this information for children between the ages of seven and eleven. It is therefore simplistic.
Islamic Culture and the Medical Arts
Medicine is a science from which one learns the states of the human body with respect to what is healthy and what is not, in order to preserve good health when it exists and restore it when it is lacking. Ibn Sina, the opening to the Qanun fi al-tibb
Islamic Stories For Muslim Kids
This list will include Islamic stories for kids in English. This list will recommend Islamic multimedia software to teach Islamic subjects.
Muslim Scientists and Islamic Civilization
Muslim contribution to Science, Mathematics, Astronomy, and Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Ninety articles and over thirty biographies.
PBS - Islam: Empire of Faith
Throughout the production of Islam Empire of Faith - including this Web site - we have made every attempt to present as broad a portrait of Islamic art and culture as possible, in order to show the great diversity as well as the fundamental unity of Islamic civilization in its long and varied history.
Jehovah's Witnesses
A Jehovah's Witness Home School Network
The network is free but is private and requires members to be screened prior to joining. The site offers forums, groups, and conferences in regards to home schooling as Jehovah's Witnesses.
Jehovah's Witness homeschool
This list if for homeschool discussions between Jehovah's Witnesses who homeschool their children. Discussions are to remain centered around homeschooling.
Best Sites
BeitHaChatulim Jewish Vegetarian Homeschool
This site doesn't count visitors, but telemarketers they've hung up on! Lots of good links for Jewish homeschoolers... and vegetarians.
Chinuch At Home
Sharing Chinuch resources with Jewish homeschooling and non-homeschooling parents and teachers, learn all about Chinuch from various perspectives, and join our growing community. Created by a Jewish homeschooling mother.
Jewish Homeschool
The Schusterman's have done a complete turn around in their style of learning! They now realize how much kids learn through play, hands on activites and just life.
Kosher Homeschool
We hope to address the special needs of Jewish homeschoolers as they strive to provide a superior education in Judaic Studies (l'mudei kodesh) as well as Secular studies (l'mudei chol).
League of Jewish Homeschoolers
LJH is a not-for-profit league that was designed to satisfy the growing demand for Orthodox Jewish Homeschooling in the South Florida Area. Site has loads of resource links for Jewish homeschoolers everywhere.
League of Observant Jewish Homeschoolers
LOJH is a not-for-profit league of families designed to satisfy the growing demand for Orthodox Jewish Homeschooling.
For Children
Hebrew Lessons
Free lessons, games and kids' sites, many from Israel.
News Articles
A First In Jewish Homeschool: The Online School
Chabad Shluchim living in remote places or cities where there is no Jewish school, have long contended with schooling their children at home. A newly developed online school now gives these children the benefit of a classroom situation where they daily interact with classmates--children of other shluchim, and their teacher.
Home Is Where The Lesson Plan Is
Homeschooling, long associated with fundamentalist Christians, is catching on in Jewish circles, though not everyone is sold on the idea.
Steve Lipman, Jewish Week.
Jewish Home-Schooling Advocates Band Together
After sending her children to traditional day school for years, Rosenman -- and a growing number of Jewish parents in Los Angeles -- now believe home schooling is the only way to go.
Welcome to the blog section of Room613. Here we'll be sharing some thoughts about Jewish homeschooling, out of our unique experiences and perspectives. We look forward to an open exchange of ideas.
Chevra Jewish Homeschooling List
A very chatty place where we discuss Jewish observance, homeschooling, family life, outside interests, and (our favorite topic) why the laundry never seems to get done.
Jewish HomeSchoolers
The focus of this list will be to provide homeschooling support and resources to Jewish homeschoolers of all levels of observance.
New England Jewish Homeschoolers
This list is for Jewish homeschoolers in the New England area. Most of us are in the Greater Boston area, but since we know homeschoolers in CT, NH, VT, and ME (and maybe even in RI) who are interested in some of the activities we are planning, we figured we should be as inclusive as possible.
Torah Home Scholers Mailing List
Email Link. Shoshana Sloman 's e-list where homeschooling techniques, resources, activities, etc., can be discussed from a Jewish perspective. To subscribe, click on the email link above, put subscribe torch-d [your full name] in the body.
Behrman House Catalog
Jewish learning resources for the whole family. Some titles free online. Must call or fax to order.
Offers crafts, Torah learning and recipes to Jewish families and classrooms.
Jewish Calendar
Short descriptions of the Jewish holidays with their specific dates, with links for more detail about each special time of the year.
Online School for Young Shluchim
Our online classroom makes long distance learning a stimulating and interesting adventure.
Torah Aura Productions
Catalog with a wide variety of resources for Jewish homeschoolers. Online ordering available. -
LDS / Mormon
LDS Home Educators Association
Nothing in the doctrine of the Church is in opposition to home education. When there is criticism, it is often the result of misunderstanding and is culturally based rather than doctrinally based.
LDS Homeschooling Organization
Our vision is to connect LDS homeschoolers worldwide, thus providing friendship, practical help and support.
LDS National Homeschool Association
Most recently updated site. Supporting LDS homeschooling families by building connections, sharing resources, and providing leadership training. We offer a free weekly publication.
Upcoming LDS Homeschool Conferences
LDS-NHA tries to provide information on all LDS homeschool conferences. Please help us keep our information current. If you know of an LDS homeschool conference that in not listed, please write.
This list is for LDS and other Christian parents who homeschool their children using the Classical Education (Trivium) approach.
Do you live in the Eastern region of the United States? You are invited to join our online homeschool support group.
Are you homeschooling a gifted child? Join us for companionship along the way. Gifted-LDS-hs is a support group for LDS parents who are homeschooling gifted children.
Carson CIty / Reno, Nevada area: We are an LDS homeschool support group open to all LDS homeschooling families and other homeschoolers who are open to Latter-day Saint beliefs and will uphold LDS standards of living.
LDS Home Education Email Group
An email group for LDS Home Educators.
LDS ome Education Network
Our goal is to strengthen the family and create a gospel centered environment.
LDS Homeschool Leaders
This is an e-mail list for leaders of LDS Homeschool groups nation/world wide. It's an opportunity for us to share information about our groups, discuss leadership problems and support one another.
LDS Homeschoolers in California Email Group
Find other LDS homeschoolers and discuss homeschool resources and methods.
We will discuss hobbies, learning, fieldtrips (such as the homeschool prom, Je-Ve' and Dad at prom left), activities anything appropriate.
Saints and Scholars
An email list for LDS and other Christian parents who homeschool their academically advanced children.
Southeast Region LDS Homeschool Association
This group offers homeschoolers a chance to associate with outstanding families and home educators from all over the region. As a member, you can reach out and find other families who live near you.
Talk with LDS Homeschoolers
Message boards to connect homeschool families by region as well as by various topics. Provided by Latter Day Family Resources.
Virginia LDS Homeschooling
This group is a place to ask for ideas and advice, share information and inspiration. It is a place where members show each other respect for differences of perspective and opinion.
In His Image LDS Unit Studies
Fun, hands-on, varied and detailed unit studies for the LDS Kindergartener or 1st grader.
Latter-day Family Resources
Commercial and family site with resources and links for Mormon homeschool families and those interested in herbal and natural cooking, too.
Liahona Learning Center
An LDS-based home instruction program. Our students are Jr. High and High School age. Our curriculum covers, history, language, science, and math.
Living History
Series of history books by Dan Hunter from an LDS perspective. Commercial site. Available for sale here.
Resources for the LDS Homeschooler
School of Abraham LDS Homeschool
Distance learning program centered upon the School of Abraham Educational Model, including our Guided Reading Program for LDS Great Books and other world classics.
Time Lines Etc
In addition to the time line and history packets described on the web site we have designed some products specifically for Latter-day Saints. We have a packet for Book of Mormon and Church History as well as a family devotional guide.
Support Groups - State-wide
Liahona Homeschool Support Group
Started in 1988 by Diane Hopkins to provide an organized opportunity for LDS homeschooling families in Orange County, California, to meet together.
LDS Homeschooling in California
Site includes a number of ways to communicate, including an email list and list of support groups. A conference is also planned.
Latter-Day Saint Oregon Home Educators Assocation
Serving Mormon families in Oregon and Washington.
Washington State Latter-day Saint Family Educators
We are a non-profit organization set up to help parents educate their children according to the desires and wishes of their heart.
Wisconsin LDS Homeschoolers' Group
Designed as a support network for homeschooling families living in Wisconsin and the U.P., who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We hope to find more LDS home educators from stakes around the state and even plan get-togethers from time to time.
Support Group Lists
LDS Home Education Email Groups and Support Groups
If you know of an LDS support group or email group that should be listed here, please drop us a line, and we will be happy to include it. School of Abraham list. -
Associations & Networks
Pagan Homeschool
Nothing sinful in making learning lots of fun! Lots of ideas and good resources.
Pagan online newsletter, with resources for homeschooling, email list, and more.
Blessed Bee
Page 9 of this pagan family newsletter has a feature article about homeschooling by Barbara Hedgewitch.
Pagan Parenting
Witches and their youngins'... This online eZine focuses on the trials and tribulations of raising a child in a pagan household.
Alabama Pagan Homeschool List
Open to all pagan and pagan-friendly families in Alabama who homeschool. It is run jointly by Church of the Spiral Tree and Sacred Grove Academy.
Connecticut Pagan Homeschoolers
A non-profit organization dedicated to helping Pagan homeschooling families connect. At times we like to get together in order to meet and allow our children to interact with those whose families are of like mind.
Creative Home Educators - North Georgia
A group of home educators who follow an Earth Centered Spirituality (many of us are Pagan, but not all use that label). We come together for play dates, field trips, cooperative learning experiences, and support with home schooling issues. Greater Atlanta area north.
Creative Home Educators - South Georgia
A group of home educators who follow an Earth Centered Spirituality (many of us are Pagan, but not all use that label). We come together for play dates, field trips, cooperative learning experiences, and support with home schooling issues.
Eldertree Pagan Homeschool
Message board with support and ideas for pagan home-schooling parents.
Florida Pagan Homeschoolers
This is not "my group" it is our group. It is open for pagan parenting discussion, homeschool support, play groups, family ritual, drum circle events, etc.
Homeschool Pagan Pen Pal
This group is open to Homeschooling pagan parent and their children . Also to all Homeschooling parents and their children who is pagan friendly. You can use email or U.S. Postal Service. This owner of this group is homeschooling mother and pagan.
Huntsville Pagan Homeschooler
This group is open to anyone who is homeschooling or considering homeschooling and considers themselves to be following a pagan (ie earth based) religion in this area. Hopefully we will be able to meet in person at least once every other week for play dates, field trips, and general social activities.
Pagan Freedom Schoolers
This list has been created to bring together Pagan Homeschooling parents who're *18 or above*. All styles of homeschooling are welcome, which is from one end of the spectrum (radical unschooling) to classroom style school-at-home.
Pagan Home School
This list is open to all Pagan Parents whether you are currently homeschooling your children or are thinking about it. Topics vary from whether to homeschool or unschool to what curriculum is best for those who chose to use it.
Pagan Homeschoolers' List
A closed list for pagan parents who homeschool their children. You must email list owner first.
Parenting Pagan Tots
This list is for Pagan parents of young children (infants through preschool). Topics may include homeschooling, parenting, and general life as a Pagan parent of a tot.
Rainbow Star Homeschooling Group
We por a Homeschooling secutl group. Our goel untiled each other in Homeschooling our children. No matter what walk of life the families come from: All are welcome. [Yup. That's what it says!]
Spiral Academy Homeschool Group - CO
A Colorado-based homeschool group for Pagan, and other like-minded people homeschooling without Christianity. Our group is for those living in or moving to Colorado. Our children range from newborn through teens.
WA Pagan Homeschoolers
Since this is a support group designed for those following an earth-based religious tradition, it is only open to Pagan or Pagan-friendly individuals.
Can We go Home, Mommy?
Now that I am slowly starting my own circle, I find myself with a dilemma -- do I want my kids to take an active part?
The free Pagan homeschool newsletter for kids.
Pagan Stories for Children
The Great Flood, The story of Rhiannon, The story of Arianrod and Gwydion, Ancient One, The first song, Geat and the Lady, and The Leaf and the Wind.
Paganism as a Belief, as a Way of Life
I stay at home with my children and teach them what they need to learn. I run an internet homeschool bookstore and several other internet businesses. (This homeschool mother never tells us her first name!)
Silver's Pagan Homeschool Page
Features a pagan unschoolers' email list and a long list of good reasons for anyone to homeschool. By Pam Sorooshian.
Support Groups
Austin Pagan Homeschoolers
A network of families who homeschool or are exploring the possibility. We are an inclusive group composed of individuals who are willing to share their homeschooling experiences.
Houston Pagan Unschoolers
This is a group for Pagan parents who want to homeschool or unschool thier children. All are welcome to join. Local events will be in the Houston, Texas area. A group where Pagan parents could feel comfortable raising thier little witches in a safe environment without being ridiculed.
Saint Louis Pagan Parent Connection
Created to help families with Pagan, wiccan (witch) or Earth centered spiritualistic beliefs or for families who seek conversation with open-minded families, like us, find each other in the St. Louis Missouri and Illinois Area.
Umbrella Schools
Sacred Grove Academy
An cover school for Pagans in Alabama. Our requirements are minimal, but so are our offerings. Hopefully this will change in the future, especially if we get some more volunteers to help out with the work load! Ideally, we'd like to be able to offer field trips, tutoring programs, driver's education, etc.
Spiral Academy
Dedicated to serving the needs of homeschool families, primarily in Colorado, who desire the benefits of private school enrollment and minimal oversight over their educational activities by their local school districts. -
The Quaker Homeschooling Circle
An email source of support for Friendly homeschoolers and families. Moderated by David Albert, author of And the Skylark Sings with Me.
HomelearningUUs & Kindred Spirits
HUUKS evolved out of the old HUUH group and website that was formerly online. They support an email list and a bi-monthly newsletter to assist fellow Unitarians with their unschooling efforts.
HUUH-L email list
A support mailing list for sharing and developing resources that celebrate lifelong learning. The link will allow you to join any Unitarian Universalist Association email list, so select HUUH-L and "subscribe".
HUUmans on the Web
Share ideas with a wide range of people - from Unitarian Universalist families who may or may not be homeschooling to those who are interested in homeschooling but may or may not be UU.
The purpose of this group is to help Unitarian Universalist homeschoolers develop a network of like-minded alternative educators and to support UU and alternative learners in their efforts to teach and learn in the ways that suit us best. (Formerly UUHomeschool)
UU Homeschoolers Blog
This is the blog of UU Homeschoolers, a national support and networking group for liberal religious home educators. You don't have to be Unitarian Universalist to enjoy our cybercommunity -- just open to a variety of thoughts and ideas, and sharing a common belief that learning through living provides a great education.
UU Homeschoolers Facebook Wall
Sally Carless: Hi everybody! We're just getting started. Feel free to join, and come back soon! (Must be logged in to view.)
Email list for homeschooling Unitarians..
